Elevating Leadership to Optimally Deal with
Rapid Change and Unpredictability

*Data-driven by the Growth Leadership Assessment (GLA)

The rapid and unpredictable pace of change requires leaders to continuously grow, grow others around them and innovate more effectively. Many fundamental capabilities are still optimal, and many are now counter-productive. Leadership increasingly requires agility, a strong focus on continuous learning and growing others and mastering complex decision making (far different than complicated type– analyze 3 alternatives and pick the best).  This is why organizations are adopting the Agile Growth Leadership Program with the GLA to create more effective future-ready leaders.

Developed by a team of organizational  psychologists, a coach and  a management consultant to address issues with 360 data by providing  the fundamental  information (how am I perceived and why) to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.   With this information,  an effective process and resources is provided to make lasting change and then substantiate it with metrics. With follow-through, the outcomes are  the mindsets and habits that underlie leading complex decision-making processes, managing paradoxes, continually improving and growing others.


Effective Leadership - The action plan for best results

How do you best focus a leader to ensure they get the best results i.e. maximize improvement?


The most significant problem with the practice of  leadership development is that  participants in programs get content, get assessed and do activities without an accurate understanding of their true strengths, their challenges and their key opportunities.  Their efforts get mis-applied,  and the impacts are minimal.

At the Center for Growth Leadership, our processes together with our validated, reliable, and insightful tools produce a better result.  One key reason, we don't use typical personality typing tools which commit you to what is commonly known as the "tyranny of the or".  Data outcomes that focus you on being one or the other and not enabling both/and….   Contact us to learn more and we'll demonstrate how this may be plaguing your efforts.


 The GLA360 helped me understand my hidden strengths and uncovered blind spots in how I lead my team and I interact with others. The tools available to create a development plan make it easy to follow through on action items. Feedback from senior leaders in a development program that I facilitate indicate this is one of the best parts of their cohort experience in that it improves self-awareness, accountability, and ultimately, their leadership skills.

— Executive, USA Fortune 200 Insurance Corporation


 Effective Leadership  - The Focus for Success

What is the Focus?

Develop Leaders who are  demonstrably agile, grow themselves  and others and successfully navigate change and paradox by using the 4 macro-competencies

  • Many fundamentals remain but the rapid pace of change coupled with greater unpredictability and complexity require a new set of capabilities centered around growth and agility. Effective Leaders are agile, leaders of learning and change-makers.

  • They possess a consistent learning attitude, demonstrate continual thinking agility, lead others in growth and learning

  • And get results through their agile decision making and collaboration.

Effective Leadership - Understanding the Path

Self-Awareness is much like sailing, you have to internalize an understanding of basic physics (Human nature), but it is not nearly sufficient. Knowing how to operate the rudder and the sails especially in stormy disruptive conditions, is also required. These are the mindsets, habits and behaviors required to be effective. And doing this naturally and instinctively is the ideal. One without the other, is insufficient and problematic.

When managers increase their self-knowledge effectively, they identify specific gaps in their leadership capabilities. By using the optimal tools, you not only have the information to greatly increase self-knowledge, you also have the insight to change habits, behaviors and mindsets.  Once done, this improved self-awareness, helps leaders be more situational in featuring their strengths, improves decision making, improves stress management and increases self-motivation and pro-activity. 

What led to the development of the Agile Growth Leadership Program and GLA?

During the last couple of years, in our work with organizations, we’ve seen many struggling with key management challenges adapting to more rapid change, unpredictability and the realities of complex decision making. Managers need to be continually learning, growing others, facilitating complex decision making and dealing with changing values and changing interpersonal requirements. Some of these clients got to work with us and helped pilot this process as a superior way to create a high-performance  culture.

What  are the components?

  • A validated 360

  • A validated comprehensive behavioral assessment

  • A focus on 4 key macro-competencies

  • An overall competency model focused on leading in disruptive unpredictable times (agility, growing self and other mindset, complex decision making)

  • A digital action planning system with resources to address issues to further strengthen and address weaknesses. Optional coaching or manager interventions and follow-up

  • Optional live workshops on the topics relevant to specific needs identified

  • Follow-up assessment to determine progress and ROI

A key focus of your testimonials is on the impact of the data -  Can you explain or illustrate this? 

Many leadership programs don’t show much impact on the mindsets and behaviors/habits that lead managers to  lead effectively. 

One key advantage is the type, breadth and validity of the data we bring to bear early in the process.

This value is illustrated in this video segment.


“The assessment itself is very powerful because it’s very real, it’s very personal, it’s very relevant. And if you combine that with some structured learning, we believe that you can get a big impact in terms of really directing these behavioral shifts. Coaching and feedback is extremely important to our organization as relates to our people managers.”    

-- CLO, MasterCard


Effective Leadership - Assuring Change
in self and others

How do you Change Behaviors and Impact Performance?

  • Behavioral Science gives us a proven process for impacting our behaviors and mindsets which is built into the Growth Leadership Assessment Program.

  • Changing habits, adopting new behaviors and impacting mindsets takes deliberate discipline effort.