Effective Evaluation Feedback
One-on-One Evaluation Feedback Session Guidelines
Purpose& Timing
Set the Stage:
15 min.
Go Over the Report:
30 min.
Encourage Reflection:
15 min.
What to Do, and Steps to Achieve
Prepare the Participant to Hear the Data Non-Defensibly
Step 1: Establishing Purpose / Background
Step 2: Receiving Feedback
Step 3: Survey Design
Review the Data Together
Step 4: Results
Allow the Data to Have Impact
Step 5: Identifying Patterns
Step 6: Development Priorities
Step 7: Sharing Your Results
Step 8: Conclude the Meeting
Say (Verbal)
Be sincere.
No jokes, but not too formal.
Be the expert.
Deal openly with any negativity; acknowledge it, but don’t let it dominate.
Ask questions.
Ask for examples.
Encourage note taking.
Point out strengths, but don’t sugarcoat.
Ask for impressions.
Don’t over commit.
Speak from the heart; be authentic.
Share ideas.
Do not disclose information about others.
Do (Non-verbal)
Non-verbal messages need to be aligned with verbal communication to maintain your credibility.
Quiet and calm is better than animated and excited.
Provide 2 copies of the report (one for each of you).
Pause often to allow for reflection; be patient.
Listen a lot.
Make encouraging noises and gestures to bring out ideas.
Listen, don’t tell.
Let him or her ask questions – remain receptive.