Introducing the Growth Leadership Assessment:

Combining an agile and growth mindset-oriented 360
with the Harrison Assessment

Developed by the Center for Growth Leadership, the GLA provides additional benefits to the process of improving self-awareness and focusing optimally on improvement opportunities. The 360 is designed to support the latest research in leading complex decision-making, managing paradoxes, and continually improving and growing others through Growth Mindset principles. Key benefits include the following:

  • Assesses in-demand leadership competencies related to the latest research in complexity theory, paradoxical leadership, growth mindset and leading in uncertain, disruptive and ambiguous times.

  • Is aligned with the Harrison Assessment to ground behaviors measured by the 360 with self-perception which is often self-limiting and can be addressed through re-framing, self-development and coaching

  • Includes new development planning resources based on the Harrison traits and other experiences from a library that the individual and/or their coach can access together

  • Includes a “pulse” re-assessment 6 to 9 months later that measures progress and stimulates further development momentum
