Introducing the Growth Leadership
Assessment and Program

Elevating Leadership to Optimally Deal with Rapid Change and Unpredictability

All leaders produce a domino effect of some type - positive or negative. Agile Growth Leaders, in today's disruptive environment,
are the ones who produce positive effects as catalysts for success.

Register below for our next online overview/QA session

Preparing managers to lead effectively in disruptive, fast changing, highly unpredictable environments requires many of the fundamental capabilities that are timeless but just these alone are not sufficient;  A new set of capabilities is now necessary involving a growth leadership mindset,  agile thinking and decision making and ability to grow and develop others.  Some naturally have much of this, others certainly do not.  Recognizing this, a team of organizational psychologists, process experts and organizational development experts working with a leading Fortune 100 Financial Service firm, a Fortune 2000 Technology firm and a large global logistics firm developed ad validate the assessment and development process that has become the GLA program.

Developed  and validated by the Center for Growth Leadership, the benefits of the GLA for improving a manager's (and management team's) leadership capabilities to deal with the nature of today's challenges include the following:

  • Assesses in-demand leadership competencies related to the latest research in complexity theory, paradoxical leadership, growth mindset and leading in uncertain, disruptive and ambiguous times. This focuses improvement efforts on the areas that make the most difference for each employee.

  • Is aligned with the results from the most insightful and predictive Behavioral Assessment available to align behaviors measured by the 360. With this alignment, self-awareness is enhanced and self-perceptions which are often self-limiting, can be addressed effectively through re-framing, self-development and coaching leading to significant improvements.

  • Includes an online development resources and planning system focused on developing the capabilities of the Agile Growth Leader Competency model and 4 Growth Leader Competency Frameworks(GLF).

  • The "pulse" re-assessment after 6 to 9 months, measures the progress and updates to the development plans to continue the momentum.

If you are a leader in an organization and/or responsible for the leadership effectiveness of your managers, we invite you to explore further by signing up to receive more information and joining us on July 13, 2023 at 12PM EST /9AM PST /4PM GMT.  In 45 minutes, we will take you through how the process works, why it works, the potential outcomes you can expect and answer any questions.