Leadership Organizational Analytics

Validated Data Providing the Insights to  Improve Employee Experience, Performance and Retention Simultaneously

The HA Leadership Organizational Analytics Platform provides the information on the entire organization, teams and individuals to implement a data-driven fact-based approach to improving management effectiveness, culture, retention and performance simultaneously. Deep accurate insights are provided into the underlying causes of behavior including motivations, natural tendencies, preferences and the impact of stressors.

Online interactive dashboards provide the visibility and decision support organization wide and down to individual teams and to individual members of teams.   Enabled by an online simulation/assessment that takes less than 25 minutes, the online dashboards have two types of functionality: 

(1) Competencies/Capabilities and (2) Employee Experience/Engagement/Fulfillment. 

Understanding strengths and challenges in key competencies in individuals and teams: These competencies can be custom developed but typically those provided suffice. These include team and collaboration, a ten competency leadership model, remote work, dispersed management, emotional intelligence, Growth Leadership, Inclusive Leadership and many others. The following is a video overview:


For Employee Experience, Engagement and Fulfillment Analytics, the dashboard relies on the results of the initial assessment taken every couple years coupled with pulse engagement assessments done every few weeks. This capability allows you to deal with the factors important to each individual and hone in on their fulfillment in each. The following is a video overview:

Let's Make a Point using the Diagram Below:

In the diagram below (under water), we've listed many of things that contribute to a good employee experience and engagement. Across thousands of employees- each ONE of these is MOST important for at least a small subset of people and each one is the LEAST important for another small subset. For most people, 3 to 7 things from here are key but the variation is very large. Now consider how you measure your employee experience, satisfaction or engagement. Maybe you are different than most, but we keep seeing over and over, organizations measuring it as if there's no variation among people as if it's all equally important. Of course, this is false and causes considerable misleading information and over-confidence for your "data-driven " decisions. Moreover by averaging it out across the organization and departments, you dilute the usefulness of the data.

iceberg glf.png

'* As determined by Employee Experience or Engagement Surveys

Typical Results.gif

With the Data, Managers, Coaches or Talent can show meaningful group data and trends over time as well as focusing on the individual issues.


If you can't measure it, you can't change it.

— Peter Drucker

What gets measured gets done.

— Tom Peters

In God we trust; all others bring data.

— W. Edwards Deming


So much of Engagement, Employee Satisfaction Data answers the question WHAT?
Without providing the answers or insights to determine the Why? And worse, often providing misleading information because often because it is too general.


Key Management Data, typically missing in HRIS or Talent Management Systems. provides the improved capability to…

  • Retain top talent by understanding what is important to individuals and groups

  • Create employee experience strategies for all levels of the organization

  • Develop leader’s capability to engage and retain top talent

  • Generate detailed individual and team engagement reports

  • Assess your organizational culture and discover risk areas

  • Measure senior and emerging Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative, Remote Worker, Remote Manager, Inclusive Leader and other competencies

  • Gain insight into the specific set of behaviors that impact each competency

  • Implement actionable development plans that provide guidance and generate enthusiasm while building self-awareness, team awareness, leadership effectiveness ad job fulfillment