Team Member (ASSESSEE) Name (optional):
First Name
Last Name
Manager's Name (optional):
First Name
Last Name
Company Name (optional):
1. What are the performance issues, task quality/quantity or relationship issues or barriers you have seen?
2. What are the strengths or attributes that makes this employee stand out??
3. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding DEVELOPMENT i.e. related to learning, development, overall career goals and advancement.
4. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding REMUNERATION related to this person's benefits and compensation:
5. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding AUTHORITY relating to the desire for independence and decision making responsibility
6. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding SOCIAL relating to opportunities to interact with others. Use this space to comment on specific relationship issues or expectations even though they may be, in part, a focus of other areas.
7. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding APPRECIATION relating to being acknowledged for one's abilities and efforts
8. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding COMMUNICATION relating to the tendencies of exchanging ideas and information with others.
9. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding PERSONAL/MISCELLANEOUS relating to this person's preferences. How much do they need or want to know everything that is going on? How important is it to them that they respect and like their boss and that they reciprocate? How concerned are they about job security?
10. Comments/Issues/Problems/Challenges… regarding WORK/LIFE BALANCE relating to the desire for work/life balance 10 and flexible work time as well as their ability to handle deadline pressure and manage anxieties.
11. List any engagement/fulfillment or performance related action items between you and the employee:
12. List any communications that you should give on organizational culture, policies….that need to be addressed
13. List any action items for you in addressing practices, behaviors, habits or communications that would impact your effectiveness and your relationships with this employee or others:
14. Other comments or issues that came up that are worth noting:
15. So you've worked through the above, you've flushed out your discussion points and that's a great foundation, but for effective two-way feedback discussions, you need to also flush out your own issues and ensure you are effective in getting the feedback and candor necessary for a good discussion. What are my natural tendencies and what is their impact? Am I warm and empathetic or do I have challenges? How might I put the other person at ease? Do I have a tendency to over-talk and tell people what I think they need to hear (not what this conversation is about) or do I sugar coat things? Am I the type that wants to get a decision or action done and move on to the next- might be a barrier here to effective discussion? How good of a listener am I? Am I going to have to be more disciplined in this type of conversation than in my normal discussions to ensure I am primarily listening and inquiring. Think through your issues that you are aware of and make and write down some bullet points for how you might be more effective DURING the meeting.