Diverse Leader Series

 Diverse Leaders Series

Diverse Leader Series – 2:90 minute modules

Building Influence


Emotional Intelligence

Mentoring Skills for Women

Organizational Savvy

Personal Branding

Powerful Communications

Starting with an assessment on influence style, there are strengths and opportunities for becoming more influential. Building a network and leveraging your ability to connect people to mission is an effective way to increase your impact.

The skill of collaboration starts with understanding your own tendencies, as well as understanding how to engage others and use collaboration tools to develop a shared agenda.

Using an emotional intelligence instrument allows leaders to leverage their emotional skills to be more effective leaders.

This workshop builds on Developing Your Leadership Brand by helping women see how to leverage their own strengths in mentoring other women. Developing their teachable point of view, powerful stories and the ability to ask powerful questions are valuable ways to prepare for mentoring. Understanding the roles mentors can play and the natural phases of a mentoring relationship helps mentors set expectations and navigate the phases effectively.

Positive skills in navigating the organization are critical for people who may not naturally feel part of the inner circle. There are simple and positive ways to be savvy about power dynamics

The Harrison assessment identifies strengths which can be leveraged to enable leaders to develop and articulate their own leadership story.

Verbal and non-verbal communication are the primary tools used to get work done but many women are not intentional and practiced at communicating to be heard.

• Maximizing your personal influence skills to make a difference and accomplish goals

• Investing in your network inside and outside the organization for a rich set of inputs and support

• Leveraging mentors and being an effective mentee

• Cross-functional connecting with others who help careers advance

• Overcoming shyness toward reaching out to potential mentor

• Effectively partnering with others by balancing multiple interests

• Leading collaborative cross-functional teams

- Trust, common goals, shared perspective, collaboration tools

• Using effective dialogue to overcome barriers to collaboration

• Understanding and managing polarities to build alignment

• Understand and balance your own emotional intelligence skills across 15 factors

• Heighten your awareness of the emotional aspects of leadership, decision-making, and work interactions in order to better manage them

• Develop strategies to improve your emotional intelligence


• Effectively advocating for yourself and others

• Strategies for identifying and overcoming institutional barriers

• Effectively managing sources of emotion and power during uncertainty and conflict

• Moving comfortably through people related organizational dynamics by understanding the spoken and unspoken dynamics

• Learn how to effectively advance an agenda for the greater organizational good

• Effectively advocating for yourself and others

• Building on “life themes” and other strengths found in their Traits report.

• Leaders see where their traits that are in balance provide powerful versatility to their leadership.

• Understand the value of self-awareness and intentionality.

• Focus on being aware of negative habits.

• Charge up executive presence with awareness and practice of body language, voice and messaging.