Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion Seminars – Two Hours Each




Building an Inclusive Workplace

Implicit Bias

Promoting Resilience in Difficult Times

Leading with Empathy

This workshop identifies the tactics that managers can take to build inclusive and effective teams. Teams in which members feel like outsiders cannot operate inclusively. Finding and building on common ground, keeping competition focused outside the team and developing shared values and aspirations leads to inclusive work environments where diverse people can thrive.

The goal of this workshop is to understand the ways that unconscious bias can show up in our selves and our workplace. This introductory session gives participants insight into the blinders that influence our relationships and decisions.  

Implicit biases produce behaviors that differ from one’s explicit principles and values. Implicit bias is a factor in an organization’s challenges in building an inclusive environment that results in diversity at all levels.

Given the current COVID outbreak, economic challenges, and racial tension across the United States, such a topic must be handled with empathy, content expertise, and sensitivity to all perspectives. Leaders who blunder unintentionally alienate employees and build a culture of mistrust. O.E. Strategies has a history of hosting related content on diversity, implicit bias, leadership for unrepresented groups, and empathy, and we have drawn on that experience to create an inclusive, engaging, and informative course.

Using an emotional model to observe, understand and respond effectively to the emotions of others allows managers to provide resonant leadership to their teams and to create an appropriate mood for the work that needs to be done. Balancing the need for change and recovery is easier when the emotional climate of the team is supported.

This course will cover:
• Perceptual limitations
• Emotional reactions
• Implicit bias causes and outcomes
• Implications for management