Organizational Leadership

Corporate Leadership  - 3:90 minute Modules

Change Leadership

Interpersonal Savvy

Science of Interviewing: Hire for Fit

Coaching for High Performance

Science of Storytelling

Strategic Charisma

Strong change leadership is needed to support teams working through imposed change as well as driving innovation. Participants will leverage a leadership change model and toolkit to interact with live examples.

O….. assessment builds a foundation for leveraging self-awareness and understanding of differing styles. Each participant will complete an on-line MBTI Form Q Profile assessment. This workshop will allow participants to understand their unique strengths and to flex their preferences to build effective working relationships. A printed copy of the report will be provided to each participant at this workshop.

Interviews are a test even though many organizations treat them informally. Identifying the key characteristics to be tested and mapping those to questions leads to more valid interviews. Asking questions with good probing follow ups and “scoring” the answers by listening for behavioral indicators leads to interviews that predict future performance. At their worst, interviews measure who is a good interviewer, at their best they identify best fit candidates. Learn the skills to make interviewing a science.

People want to do a good job. It all starts with the leader’s ability to define and communicate clear expectations. Understanding how to set performance targets and define successful behaviors rather than personality traits gets managers well down the road towards accountability. Monitoring performance without micromanaging is an art that allows managers to effectively delegate. Participants will learn to control the risks in delegating with effective feedback strategies. Keeping employees engaged by motivating them with positive reinforcement completes the performance management cycle that will be shared in this course.

As the world grows increasingly complex, answers are no longer straightforward nor concrete. Organizations are less hierarchical, and influence without authority is increasingly the primary way to get things done. Data speaks, but not in a vacuum; tapping into the mood and emotions of your audience is key to have influence. Storytelling is one way to do this.

This workshop will incorporate Social Styles and Versatility assessments. Each participant will be sent a link to complete the Social Styles and Versatility online assessments. Copies of the results will be provided to each participant. The first half of the workshop will focus on education on charisma and practicing foundational techniques. The second half will focus on personalizing charisma techniques according to Social Style results and individual goals. The workshop will blend education, entertainment, interactive activities, and hands-on practice.

• Understand key elements of change models in order to diagnose where your team is in the change process

• Flex your style to accommodate the needs of others during change.

• Create a powerful Whys, overcome resistance and reinforce

• Understand how his/her preferences create both strengths and blind spots

• Identify the interaction needs of people of opposite preferences

• Stretch his/her style to work more effectively with others


This workshop will cover:

• The psychology of stories

• Knowing the mood of your audience

• Telling a change story that sticks

• Using the hero archetype to move minds