360 Feedback Informed by Behavioral Assessment Data:  A Better Approach


Hundreds of thousands of managers go through 360 Assessment processes each year. They have great positive value in understanding how you are perceived, in finding hidden strength and challenges and in improving self and even team awareness. They also have potential negative consequences that typically arise due to how they are implemented. Many of these challenges can be eliminated while improving the quality and efficacy of the 360 Feedback process adding a behavioral assessment especially one that plots tendencies on a paradoxical grid. The insights are more complete. The path to improving, whether it's to address a weakness (to improve)  or to replace using that weakness with a strength (which is typically more effective) is much better facilitated with the behavioral data.

Indeed, what we've found is that the 360 Feedback data provides the What and the Behavioral data provides the Why and much more valuable information on how to improve. 

The objective of the video above is to illustrate the benefits of this optimal combo!


Review of the RTM Approach to 360 Feedback and 360 Assessment Process Facilitation


HAPPY TEAMS ARE RESILIENT TEAMS: Figuring Out How to Create Resiliency in Remote Teams.